Finding Sweetness 3 Read online

Page 9

  Channing continued his perusal as she entered the tub, shamelessly ass naked. He didn’t understand why he was on edge while Erica pleasured herself, enjoying voyeurism, and damn if he wasn’t captivated by her every fucking move.

  He watched as Erica’s body edged up above the water just as he realized that she was going to cum. Lust and desire tore through his nervous system as he watched her orgasm consume her.

  He had to fuck’in have her. He didn’t know how it would happen, and for that matter he didn’t give a shit. It just had to happen somehow some way. Turning away from the window, he laid down on his bed and looked down at his hardened angry dick then said, “Yea that makes two of us.” He was hard and horny as hell for the head bang’in site he just seen. Fuck!

  Gabe & Azaria

  Gabe’s attention was focused on the alluring woman in the kitchen as she made herself a drink. He and Channing had watched them along with Yaz over the years and had grown fascinated with the women and how they lived and it only intrigued them more. Now that they were all finally under the same roof Gabe wanted this feisty beauty even more. He watched her slowly and carefully wanting nothing more than to touch her breathtakingly smooth chocolate skin.

  Azaria shifted the weight back and forth between her bare feet as she went from the fridge to the counter. Her eyes glanced up to where Gabe was sitting and she held the position effortlessly, a hint of raw lust shining in her sleek brown unwavering eyes. Gabe's eyes were just as focused, yet he was nowhere near at ease, as she appeared to be. Shit Azaria stay focused you know damn well you can’t start anything with this man or could she? No one but her girls would know…her parents would never find out it with her being so far up in the sticks.

  “Damn!” The way she moved was mesmerizing; it made him shudder. She was one of those very few females who seemed to have found that precise and delicate balance of grace and strength. Her whole body flowed like a river, just as vivacious and deceivingly powerful. He’d been with a shit load of women, yet none of them affected him the way she did when he first laid on her. He didn’t believe in love at first sight but fuck him if something hadn’t struck him in the ass. He wanted to be with her in a way completely different from all the others. Without ever having actually met, she had filled him with a relentless determination he had never experienced before. “Dumb ass,” he muttered softly to himself, “Who the hell do you think you are?” She is well out of your league…but he was up for the challenge.

  Gabe stretched and stood up from the chair and walked over towards her watching her carefully. He didn’t deserve to be with be her. He done some pretty fucked things and was nowhere near as good as she probably deserved but he knew he had to have her. He and Channing had been watching them for far too long… years, but of course, they didn’t know that and now here she was… standing just a feet away from him.

  Azaria watched as Gabe walked towards her. Her heart skipped a beat at his nearness. She had never been this attracted to a man especially a man that she just met but she recognized it for what it was, this was just lust an itch to be scratched nothing more. “Would you like a drink she asked?”

  That depends on what you’re making Gabe smiled showing off a brilliant set of pearly white teeth.

  I’m making an apple martini Azaria smiled as she pulled out the shaker.

  Naa… I’m more of a Crown or Corona man myself.

  ‘Ahh, I see,’ Azaria stepped back opened the refrigerator and pulled out a Corona popped the top and slid it over to him. The smile that creased his lips was priceless. Now that was a smile she could enjoy seeing every morning. “Ugh…did she just think that?”

  Thanks he said, taking a long drag from the cold bottle.

  Is there anything else I can get you? God she hoped he said, yes because she would definitely oblige him. “Call her crazy but she was definitely down for quickie.” They were both adults and she’d been without sex for far too long and this would be her little secret. She always held it down for the brothas but hey… change is good sometimes. Hell, it wasn’t like she’d see him again after all this was over anyway.

  Gabe walked around the counter and stood directly in front of her. Just a little taste was all he wanted at least for now. “Yea you can do something for me he said, as he slid his arm around her waist.

  Azaria’s heart began to beat a mile a minute was she really going to be this brazen… And with a stranger…a racist stranger at that? “Fuck it… Yes she was!” She watched him lean down ever so slowly then gently kiss her lips. His kiss electrified her all the way down to the bottom of her feet as she felt him grip her tighter pulling her firmly to his chest. He pulled back and for the briefest of moments, she thought it was over. She bit her lip in relief and disappointment.

  Then she saw him reach in his pocket and pull out a condom. She cocked her eyebrow at him. “Hey a man can hope can’t he grinned. She felt his hands smoothed their way up her arms, and then up through her hair grabbing a handful with one hand and her left breast with the other as he began to kiss her more thoroughly than before. She arched into his touch her fingers sliding into his hair urging his hand forward. Suddenly he ripped his mouth away from hers, plunked her up off her feet placing her on the counter, and slid in between her legs. He then slid the thin spaghetti straps of her shirt down her shoulders and watched as her breasts spilled out for him to view. She watched as his gaze became transfixed to her breasts and she tensed with anticipation. Her nipples tightened under his pursuit as she heard the breath leave from his lungs in a slow agonizing exhale. Then he reached up with both hands bringing both breasts together then leaned in greedily suckling both, one right after the other over and over. With his hot slick mouth engulfing her, he gave each nipple a flick with his tongue.

  “Ohhh…Ahhh!” She gasped her head falling back as the sensation made her pussy wet. Had her breasts always been the sensitive? Damn if she could remember, that’s how long it had been. Now she could feel every touch, every tug, every flicker of his tongue and she wanted more.

  Drenched in the sensation she dug her fingers into his hair as a raw needy ache began to build inside of her. Feeling euphoric, she wrapped her legs around him and drew his mouth back up to hers.

  He groaned and gripped her hair tighter forcing her head back he took control of the kiss and thrust his tongue deep inside her mouth with an intensity that left them both breathless and aching for more. Suddenly they heard the front door open and close and then they heard a “What the fuck bro!”

  Gabe’s head rose from Azaria’s breasts to see Alton’s frowning face staring at him.

  Bro take that shit to the bedroom we all have to eat on that counter Alton said, in a cool nonchalant voice.

  Azaria felt embarrassed as hell as she hopped down from the counter and pulled her straps back up. She turned to leave but Gabe slid his arm around her waist and held her still as Alton walked in the kitchen, opened the fridge and pulled out a Corona.

  Is everything all right Gabe asked?

  Alton popped the top on his beer, took a long hard swig, and said, “Naa… bro it’s not, but I’ll fill you, Channing and Eytin in later, right now I need to talk Yaz.


  Are we still heading out tonight?”

  “Nope, plans have changed.” We’re making the drop in a week but I’ll explain that later bro.

  Gabe frowned he knew something was wrong with his boy, “Hey do we need to talk right now?”

  Alton looked at Azaria then back at his boy. Handle your business bro I’ll be back out later to talk ya’ll about it. Alton turned and walked out of the kitchen in search of his woman. He needed her in the worst way right now.

  Gabe turned Azaria around and pulled her to him.” You don’t ever have to feel embarrassed about anything we do. We’re both adults.

  Azaria couldn’t look at him. “What the hell was she thinking?” Even though she couldn’t stand Alton’s ass, right now she was thankful that he’d walked in. Now she was b
ack to thinking clearly. She pulled away from him. “We can’t do this Gabe,” this was a mistake. We don’t even know each other and God knows that I don’t need to make another mistake with another man… an Aryan man at that. Jeez… I always seem to fall for the wrong men.

  How do you know I’m the wrong man for you? It felt right to me just minutes ago and I damn for sure know that it felt right for you the way you were moaning just now.

  We come from two opposite sides of the tracks Gabe. I’m black your white and you’re in the Aryan brotherhood for crying out loud. This is all kinds of fucked up! We shouldn’t even be in this kitchen together right now… besides it’s just lust nothing more. I’ve never even been with a white man before…Ugh what hell was I thinking!

  You’re right the situation is fucked up but as I stated to you earlier in your bedroom I don’t live by that code. This may sound corny and all but the first moment I saw you, “I didn’t say, ‘Who is that?’ I said, ‘What is that?' Like, ‘Woo-ha! Wow!’ “I got weak in the knees, he walked up to her then leaned down and whispered, ‘You are my wife and you don’t even know it yet.’ It’s a damn shame that you’re so use to losing that you don’t even know what you’ve won. It doesn’t have shit to do with me being white, when I kissed you and slid between your legs and sucked your breasts did you see color then? No, you didn’t! You felt a man making your body shiver as you pussy dripped with what I was doing to you. His hand went between her legs feeling the wetness between them. This wetness between your legs is proof that you wanted me.

  Azaria stood there shocked as shit with her mouth wide open. What could she say to that? She did want him.

  Would it have been better if I’d been a black man Azaria? Would you have allowed me to making love to you then? She turned her head away from him. Gabe turned and walked away from her before he said something that they both would regret. He was too sexually frustrated right now to be anywhere near her so walking away would be his best option for now. He needed to clear his head and focus on this one last job he was about to do and then the brotherhood could kiss his ass. Maybe then, Azaria would ease up a little and give him a chance because he would really like to get to know her. It was obvious she’d been hurt by her previous lover but that didn’t mean he was anything like him. Yea, he’d done some fucked up shit but never towards a woman. No matter what shape, size or color the woman was if the attraction was there it was there and he knew damn well that he and Azaria were at least attracted to each other and that was all he needed to know.

  Azaria stood there alone in the kitchen and regretted what she had said Gabe. The real reason why she’d never dated a white man was because her family had criticized her brother so much for marrying a white woman that she hadn’t seen him in years he would call her from time to time but that was it. He had always gone after what he wanted while she’d sat back and let her parents run her life. She turned and stared in the direction that Gabe had gone wanting so bad to go after him, but her feet wouldn’t budge. She was a grown ass woman…when would she stop letting her parents dictate her life. Hell, her parents were just as racist. They wanted her to stay with her own kind that’s why she had only dated black men. She wished she was more like her best friends…at least they hadn’t been scared to step out of their comfort zone. Her girls were the only ones that knew her parents would disown her as they did her brother. Was something she was ready to face was the question? She watched Gabe walk up to his room and close the door. Shaking her head, she grabbed her drink, walked upstairs to her bedroom, and closed the door trying to block out the feel of how good Gabe’s lips and tongue had felt on her body.

  Alton & Yaz

  Alton opened the door to find Yaz stretched out across the bed with her hand resting on her stomach asleep. God she looked so peaceful… Beautiful. They really did have a lot to talk about but as he looked at her all he wanted to do was curl up beside her, hold her, touch her, and keep her safe. After he left his parents’ house he’d needed a drink so he drove to the liquor store then drove around for a while, trying to let everything his father told sink in. On the way back he made pit stop at the store and grabbed a few more things. He was still in shock to hear that his father is an ATF agent but most of all he was all kinds of fucked to hear that he had a sister that he never knew anything about and at this very moment she hated him for what he’d put Yaz through. Thinking back on his life he always asked the Lord, “Why him,” why did he have to go through the things that he had to go through? He wouldn’t want this life for anyone. He would always hold his father accountable for what he’d put them through. No job was worth sacrificing the ones you love. He looked at Yaz, because that’s exactly what he’d done to her. At some point, he’d have to take responsibility for his own actions. He should have fought harder to be with her. He’d always loved her and yet he allowed his fear and his is pride to get in the way of what he knew was right. Never again, would he allow anyone to come in between him or Yaz, she was the most important thing in the world to him and he spend the rest of his life showing her if he had to.

  He slid in beside her and kissed her neck. “I’m back sweetness he whispered.”

  Yaz popped her eyes open at the sound of his voice then quickly turned and wrapped her arms around him. Fear won out again and she let the tears fall. “Are you okay?” What took you so long?

  I’m okay sweetness please don’t cry. I’m never leaving you again I promise.

  She reluctantly let go of him to look him in the eyes. You’re not okay what’s wrong? Talk to me Alton, don’t hide anything else from me.

  Alton sighed. Where in the hell would he begin? His heart began to race, what would Yaz really think about him when he told her the type of life he really lived. “Well do you remember back when we were in high school and I used to disappear sometimes for days?”

  “Yes I remember.”

  Well… as I told you, I… I was basically whoring myself out to some of the brotherhoods wives. Me, Eytin, Channing and Gabe and a few others kept the wives entertain while the brotherhood were out taking care of business. That’s where I was Yaz. I never wanted to see you right after because I wanted to make sure that I was clean even though I used condoms I wanted to make sure that was clean before came back to you. You were the only good and pure person in my life and I didn’t want to come back dirty to you.

  At first I didn’t want to any of those things Sweetness. My father made me do those it at a very young age but then it became more than that… it became so routine that I did it out of habit. Then I met you. I’ve done a lot of things that I’m not proud of and I won’t lie to you and say that some of the things I did I didn’t enjoy because I did, and even though I blame my father for the majority of it I have to take responsibility for some of the shit that I put myself through on my own. All the parties I attended and all the other women slept with. I’ve lied, I’ve stole, I’ve fought a lot and I’ve intentionally hurt a lot of people for various reasons and before you ask… No, I’ve never killed anyone. I run guns and drugs Yaz and that’s one of the reasons why I didn’t want to get you involved. It’s not easy for me to sit here and tell you all this but I need you to understand what you’re stepping into. I never wanted this for you. You’re too good for all this bullshit I’m in and I’m a selfish bastard because I won’t let you go.

  Alton I asked you to stay with me why didn’t you?

  Alton ran his fingers through his hair, my father was hitting on my mother and I couldn’t leave her alone. I had to protect my mom. My father for years had been on drugs.

  Yaz’s hands flew to her mouth. Why didn’t you tell me that? I would’ve understood. My family could have helped you and your mom.

  It wasn’t your burden to bear sweetness.

  She looked at him in slight confusion, “But I did bear it though didn’t I?” I just didn’t know what it was!

  And I’m sorry that but I didn’t know what else to do and my only concern then was to keep you out of harm’
s way and protect my mother. Your dad knew about this Yaz. I confided in him.

  Yaz sat down on the bed and shook her head trying her best to understand.

  Please sweetness; don’t shut me out there’s more I have to tell you. I went to my parents’ house this afternoon and he told me some things…things that I’m having a very hard time dealing with right now. I’m no pussy but my emotions are running high right now and I need you sweetness he said as tears he’d tried to hold back threatened to spill out of his eyes.

  Reaching up to touch his face Yaz said, “What is it Alton?”

  Swallowing hard he said, “My father works the ATF.” All this time Yaz he’s been working undercover trying to bring the brotherhood down.

  “What!” Are you serious yelled!

  “Shhhh calm done.”

  “Whispering Yaz repeated herself. “Are you serious?”

  “On my life sweetness.”

  Holy shit…I…I never would have thought that! Damn. It does explain a lot. He played the hell out of that roll, but he’s still an ass and it’s still no excuse what he did to you and your mom!