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Finding Sweetness 3 Page 5

  You’ll have to change your shopping habits, ditch your hobbies and absolutely no phone calls in or out. You and your boys will absolutely have to be strong enough to outlive them at this game. Now if you can’t do that, you’re going to waste a lot of time and money trying to disappear. The goal at this point is to minimize the number of connections between you and your old life and the beginning of your new life. Now… Are you ready to do that son? Because as fucked up as this may be it may mean you having to leave Yaz once again until your trail begins to run cold.

  I won’t leave Yaz again Ebin. That’s not an option for me. She will have to come with me.

  Ebin chuckled at that. Good luck with getting Yaz to do that son. I’ll leave that up to you, in the meantime I’ll need to get my boys involved and let me remind you right now of what I said to you eight years ago…

  You don’t have to Ebin because I’ve never forgotten what you said, because I’ll kill anyone who tries to get in-between Yaz and I. Now you said you’d bring the wrath of God down on the brotherhood…Well… It’s time to bring it and I’m willing to die for her if need be.

  It’s about damn time son. I already have a team in place.

  You do?

  I told you son, I had eyes on my daughter the minute she pulled out of the driveway. I’ll be in contact with you soon, keep your phone close.

  Thanks for your help Mr. Carmichael.

  Don’t have to thank me son but I do expect for you to keep my daughter safe.

  “I will sir. I will.”

  Gabe & Channing

  Gabe and Channing split up to take the women to their rooms. Channing opened the door for the very short tantalizing woman and watched her walk into the bedroom, she couldn’t have been more than five feet-three and that luscious body of hers made his cock spring back to life. He could see himself cupping her ass and pounding her hard as she rode him. Fuck!

  Erica was stunned at how beautiful the room was, it had a rustic look that was met with luxurious furniture, and when she saw the private hot tub and outdoor rain shower, she was as excited as a kid in a candy store. Erica yearned for a few minutes of alone time. As she turned towards Channing to tell him, “Thank you,” she caught him staring at her ass. She bit her lip as she watched his eyes slowly roam back up to hers. Out of all of the men in the world Channing was the last one she needed to get freaky with but the way he was looking at her drew her attention to him. This man was fine and all she could think to herself was, DAYUM, DAYUM, DAYUM. Simply put the man was all that, a bag of chips, a Popeye’s 3-piece chicken dinner and a pack of juicy fruit chewing gum.

  “You’re welcome,” he said, smiling at her. Let me know if you need anything else, I’d be more than happy to help you.

  What else could Erica do but flirt back a little, “Is that so?” she said, as she licked her lips to moisten them.

  Channing almost fell to his when her friend called her Simone. Was that the sign he asked for? His eyes lowered to her mouth as he watched her tongue run across her plump lips. His cock twitched in pants at the thought of her licking him like that. Looking back up to meet her eyes he grinned and said, “Absolutely,” I’ll see you downstairs. He turned and strolled out closing the door firmly behind him before he made a fool of himself. Looking down at the tent that formed inside of his pants he mentally chided himself.

  Damn, that man is fine Erica whispered as she turned around again to take in the view. She began to put away her things and decided to take a quick shower because her traitorous body wanted to hump the shit out of Channing. Her panties were damp and she needed to cool her raging hormones, it had been a long year since the last time she’d slept with a man, and though she’d kept her ever-faithful box of sex toys in business there was nothing like the feel of hard man pumping inside of her giving her what she needed. Shaking her head, she went to take a quick shower.

  Gabe walked Azaria to her room and opened the door. She stood in the doorway of the room and felt the urge to get butt naked. Azaria wasn’t the type to roam about the house naked with a house full of guest, but the natural environment had affected her and so had this magnificent specimen standing behind her. My God, she could stand and stare at him all day. The one thing that caught her attention was his eyes, those damn hazel eyes made her pussy wet and ready for him. She had never slept with a white man before but she’d throw caution to wind, if he was down, she was down, “racist or not” she would fuck the hell out him. It had been too damn long since she’d had a man. She stepped further inside the cozy room to get a better look and take her mind of the delicious morsel standing near her.

  The exquisite beauty before him made his dick so hard it could smash glass. Gabe quickly stole a glance at her frame to complete the mental picture he’d have stored for later on that night. She had the most perfect rounded ass he had ever seen on a woman, in those damn tight jeans along with those fuck me high-heel boots she was wearing. God damn, woman…what was she doing to him?

  Azaria turned back and caught him starring at her ass, “Do you like what you see, Gabe?” she asked, looking over her shoulder giving him a wink.

  “Damn right I do,” he replied with a wink of his own.

  Aren’t you breaking some sort of “code” the brotherhood has in place for fraternizing with a black woman?

  Gabe cocked his eyebrow then grinned wide. I live by different code he said, leaning against the doorframe.

  “Oh yea, she said, “What’s that?”

  “The…I don’t give a shit code.”

  “Mmm…I see,” Azaria said, glancing down to eye the thick length that had formed inside his pants. My, my, my…The rumors about white boys not having a big dick was bullshit. Gabe’s ass was packing!

  “Do you like what “you” see Gabe asked?” Quoting what she’d said.

  Hmm…wouldn’t you like to know she beamed, never taking her eyes away from his crotch?

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckled. From the hallway, he could hear Channing coughing. That was his cue to hurry the hell up. Looking over her body once more he said, “unpack your bags and get settled and hopefully we can continue this conversation later.” He winked at her again before closing the door to head back down the hall. He had a big shit eating a grin on his face hating to have to leave in a few hours. That sexy little kitty was tempting him and he wanted to see more of her… preferably naked.

  Catching up to Channing, they both bumped fist and headed downstairs. They needed to discuss some things with Alton and decided

  what the next move would be. Tonight they would have to go out and meet with Carl, Tia’s shady ass father to pick up the drugs. This was the shit that they were not looking forward to doing because they ran the risk of being ambushed or set up by the cops via snitch, rat or mole.

  As they made their way back down stairs the smell of bacon, eggs and biscuits assaulted their noses. Gabe moaned and said, “Damn I love a woman that can cook.” Alton’s ass is lucky, the bastard. They rounded the corner and stepped into the kitchen. Yaz was standing at the stove flipping bacon over and Alton’s greedy ass was already eating. There were five more plates set and two had food on them already.

  Yaz turned around and said, “Well are the both you just going to stand there in the doorway or are ya’ll going to sit down and eat?”

  Channing and Gabe glanced at Alton chowing down on the food in front of him. Gabe’s stomach took that moment to grumble. Channing slapped him on the back ushering him over to the table to sit down. Thanks Yaz I appreciate it Channing said, before forking a helping of eggs into his mouth. Yea, I appreciate too Yaz Gabe said, stuffing his mouth with a honeyed biscuit and moaned. Damn, I miss this kind of home cooking. Gabe bit into the thick peppered bacon and savored the taste of it. It also felt good sitting down at table instead of grabbing fast food and eating it in the truck.

  Your welcome she said, smiling as she watched all three of them dig into the food. You’d think they hadn’t had a decent breakfast i
n a long time. Yaz finished fixing the rest of their plates just as Erica and Azaria walked into the kitchen and sat down. Yaz noticed that Erica took a seat next to Channing and Azaria took the seat next to Gabe. Interesting she thought to herself. She wasn’t so much surprised by Erica because she’d dated a white man before but Azaria… she believed in holding it down for the brothas and dated black men only but the way Azaria just looked at Gabe said that she was getting ready to have her first taste of cream in her coffee. Shaking her head, Yaz sat down next to Alton and dug into her plate of breakfast happy to have her girls her and her cousin with her. Aspin had sent her a text letting her know that she and Eytin were sleeping in. “Yea right…she just bet they were.”

  Alton & The Boys

  They all sat and chatted away about nothing until everyone was full then Alton, Gabe and Channing, surprisingly did the dishes and gave them a chance to catch up on current events. Alton needed some privacy as well to discuss business so he was glad when Yaz ushered her girls out to the deck.

  Once they finished with the dishes, they huddled around the table and took a seat once again. Alton was mentally tired and stressed the hell out. "There's no right way to go about this," Alton said. Everything that’s about to go down will impact us for the rest of our lives. “There’s no real way to plan this out.” We can ... armchair quarterback this all day long, but the bottom line is, we kill anyone that gets in our way of gett’in out of the AB. Alton knew eventually he was gonna try and ease out of the brotherhood quietly and that dealing drugs and gun trading was going to be a short-lived profession him. He never knew what could happen, so he’d saved money regularly ever time he’d been paid to do a job. He looked at his boys, “Please tell me that the both of you saved up because if you didn’t you’re going to have a hellava time gett’in back on the straight and narrow.”

  Channing cocked his eyebrow, “Bro I’m out here, taking risks too…why the hell would I do all this if I’m not sav’in anything for myself?”

  “Bully that Gabe piped in.” We’ll have to get out of this town though. If we stay here once we get out… we’re dead.

  Alton ran his finger through his hair. Yea, we’ll definitely have to live off the grid for a while. We could move back Nashville, it’s big enough to lay low. We just need to disappear, as quietly as we can.

  “What about Ray and Durk… Eytin’s uncles?” Won’t they pose a problem if we go back to Nashville Channing asked, leaning back in his chair? As fucked up as it is… Ray and Durk along with a few others will have fucking to die.

  Alton rubbed his eyes. When Eytin gets here, we’ll see what he has to say about it, but as far as Ray goes, he’s good as dead. Alton would never forget what Ray had threatened to do to Yaz so his fate was already fuck’in sealed. His phone buzzed, no doubt it was his father calling to make sure they would be on time to pick up the guns and drugs. He yanked his phone out of his back pocket and answered. “We’ll be there he said, gritting his teeth together.”

  There’s been a slight change in plans. I need you to meet me at home in twenty minutes.

  Why is something wrong with mom Alton said, jerking to his feet?

  No, she fine but what I have to say, is for the both of you. Now please son, just come home. William disconnected the line and gunned his truck towards his house.

  Alton stood motionless for a moment. He’d never heard his father say please a damn day in his life.

  What’s up man Gabe said standing up already on alert.

  Alton tucked his cell phone in his back pocket and turned to look at his boys, “change of plans. My father needs to talk to me for a minute. Stay here with girls, I’ll be back a soon as I can.

  Do you think it’s a set up Channing asked?

  Nah, he wouldn’t do that at his house Alton said, as he walked towards the balcony and signaled for Yaz to come inside.

  What’s wrong? Yaz went instantly on alert.

  Everything’s okay, I just wanted you to know that I’m stepping out for a while. Channing and Gabe are going to stay here with ya’ll.

  “Where are you going she asked?”

  Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her lips. He didn’t want her to worry about him. He’d been in the game for far too long to know his father was up to no good and he knew when something was up. When he pulled back, the look in her eyes saddened him.

  Yaz looked away from him. “You won’t tell me will you?”

  Cupping her chin, he said, “Look at me sweetness.” “I swear to you I’ll be back.” Just try to relax and hang out with your girls and I will be back before you know it okay? I will never leave you again. I know it’s going to take some time for you to trust me but I will never walk out on you…us… again. I promise we’ll talk later on tonight.Yaz had no choice but to believe him. She nodded her head trusting him not to break her heart again. Alton kissed her again then watched her walk back towards her friends.

  Channing and Gabe walked up beside him. “You got yourself a good woman bro,” Gabe said, clapping him on the back. We’ll keep an eye on ‘em until you get back.

  “I should have never walked away from her. I was a fool.”

  Yea, I’d have to agree with you on that Channing said, chuckling.

  Damn you Alton said coolly, as he rolled his eyes and walked away grinning. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


  William pulled up to his house and killed the engine to his truck; this was the moment of truth. He looked into the mirror not liking what he saw. He hated who he’d become. Now, he was finally at the point where he was ready to admit that he was living a double life. This would be the most difficult conversation he would have ever have in his life. Taking a deep breath, he opened up his truck door, walked inside, and waited for Alton. He walked into the kitchen and there stood his Ann. She was still so beautiful him. How could he have treated her the way he had all these years.

  Ann turned around to see her husband standing inside the door just staring at her. “What, she asked, is something wrong?”

  Clearing his throat, he said, “I’m waiting on Alton to get here, I need to speak to both of you at the same time.” He took a step towards his wife and watched her grip the potato peeler tight in her hands no doubt prepared to stab his ass if need be. She was a strong woman and had every right to protect herself from him. He held his hands out, “I’m not going to hurt you baby.” I just wanted to… to hold you.

  Why, Ann said, taking another step back? Are all the whores you sleep with unavailable tonight?

  Lowering his hands in defeat, “I haven’t slept with another for quite some time now Ann. I thought we got that out during our counseling sessions. I’m trying to… to set things right. Especially between you and me not that you’d believe me though right? I know I fucked up with you and our son, please baby…please give me one more chance to be the man and husband that I should have been before all of this…

  Ann turned away from him. I’m trying Will, you know it’s still hard for me to believe anything you tell me.

  Nodding his head he said, “I know baby take all the time you need.” I deserve it. William slowly walked up behind her and gently kissed her on her neck then turned and walked away. He wouldn’t upset her right now because once he told them his secret she would be even more pissed off at him.

  Alton pulled up at his parents’ house and went inside; his dad was already sitting on the couch waiting for him. William called out for Ann to join them in the living room.

  Ann came around the corner still holding the potato peeler firmly in her hands. She walked over to her son and hugged him. They both sat down on the couch together facing William.

  Umm… there’s no real easy way to say this so I’m just going to say it. I would appreciate it even though I don’t deserve it if the both of you if you would allow me to get everything out I need to say first without interruption.

  “Just say what you have to say dad we’re tired of this shit Alton spat!”<
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  William nodded his head in understanding then dropped his head. I don’t know where to start. I know this has been painful for the both of you. There are a lot of things I wanna tell you, a lot of stories that I want to share with you but first, let me start with an apology. The both of you stood by me all these years and me, being dumb ass; I hurt the most important people in my life. William looked at his wife, “You always understand me, and you were so patient with me. I know this is all my fault baby. I did something so careless and foolish that I can’t take back. The things I’ve done I deeply regret. Tears began to form in Williams eyes. “You know what I miss the most?” Talking with you, holding your hand in mine and sharing my world with you. I never meant to cause my family any pain. I hurt you bad baby and left you when you needed me the most and I took you and your love for granted. I don’t know how it happened, but all I know is, I don’t want it to happen again. There isn’t a single part of me that doesn’t know ‘I’m yours Ann and though I don’t deserve a damn thing I am begging you baby to give me a second chance.