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Finding Sweetness 3 Page 3

  The sensitive nature of my job required sound judgment and discretion. As an agent, I’ve researched and gather evidence on suspected criminals. My duties included surveillance, transcription research, coordination with local authorities, and report writing. As soon as my wife and I were married, I was assigned to a case two days later and couldn’t tell her. She thought I was out of town on business each and every time I was gone. In the midst of it all, I became someone else entirely. I thought I could keep my job separated from my personal life but in the end, the two became one. I’d become unrecognizable and my wife and son became tangled inside the web I had spun. I had to keep everything I did a secret. Now my wife and son hate me because of whom I’ve become, hell…I hate myself for even allowing it to go on this long.

  My wife thought that I had failed at becoming a cop when the truth was I’d become a high-ranking undercover ATF agent. Your probably wondering why I didn’t tell my wife and the answer is simple… she would have never married me had she known the sort of the things I had engaged in. I was a selfish bastard and I was going to have her no matter what. I was selected as the lead agent during an investigation of the Aryan Brotherhood. I was to become one of them, to help run an empire of terror, drugs, extortion and not to mention murder. I became a shot caller. Now after risking my life on this assignment in the brotherhood, it’s left me vulnerable by the very agency that I proudly serve. Everything I did while undercover was taxing and all I did was made the lives of the vulnerable more unbearable.

  Being in the brotherhood caused more strife in my home than anything else I had done. I’d been growing slowly disillusioned with the purpose of my job and the undercover tactics of drug use in which I had both witnessed and used myself. I had developed a dangerous dependence for hydrocodone pills, cocaine and valiums during the years I spent in the brotherhood and undercover. Narcotics were a big part of our case and in order to blend in… I had to use drugs as well. A lot of it was street level narcotics. Now we have enough evidence to bust this case wide open and I’ll be leaving the agency when it’s done but after having spent years inside of the brotherhood I’ve fucked up my life so bad that now my wife and son are in danger.

  Their member of the brotherhood that want my son dead, while the other members want my son beaten severely for stepping outside his race and the woman he’s loved since he was a kid well… they want Alton front and center watching them as they rape and torcher her. That would be my son’s final punishment. I would blow my cover before I allow that to happen. The pain I caused my wife and son were all by my hand and I have no excuse for it, but I would have rather it been by my hand than at the hands of the brotherhood. I had been crazed and out of my mind on drugs most of those times, and had I been in my right mind I would have never ever hit my wife and kid had the situation been different.

  Once I leave the brotherhood, my family and I will be placed on a “Green light list” to be killed. Agents who go undercover don't automatically get a high level of protection and even if we did they couldn’t stop all the members of the brotherhood from finding us. My biggest regret is abandoning my family in pursuit of this mission. There is no pride in having turned my back on my wife and kids for the relentless purpose of trying to bring down the brotherhood. I love my wife and kids and yes, “I did say my kids because I consider Aspin to be mine,” when I took one look at that baby I wanted her to be mine. I regret talking my wife into sleeping with Tim. You see the real reason why Tim didn’t want my wife to have his child, was because he’d already had a wife and two kids in Philadelphia that he never told anyone about. I’ll say it again looks can be deceiving.

  Tim is a successful tax attorney who by the way happened to be living a double life himself, as a matter of fact that’s where he is right now, living comfortably in a high-rise penthouse. He’s eating good and looking good as he kisses his wife and kids good-bye every morning now before going into the office. Did I mention that he’s embezzling money from all of his clients, oh…and that he hired someone to try and kill my wife “Yea, Tim’s fate is fucking sealed,” I’m making sure of that shit! That was the least I could do for both my wife and Dawn.

  Dawn hadn’t told the real truth about the two miscarriages she’d had. She’d been pregnant but each time, Tim had beaten her causing her to lose the baby’s. He’d forced her to have her tubes tied up so he could keep fucking her without repercussions.

  As far as the baby that I had my wife give up, was for her own good. I looked into Tim’s background as well as placed a tap on his phone lines and found out that he was plotting to kill my wife had she kept the baby. When I held my wife’s beautiful baby in my arms at the hospital, I whispered in Aspin’s ear that she would never have to want or need for anything and I made sure of that. I kept an eye on the couple that raised her and sent extra money even though they had more than enough to take care of her. The Carmichaels took such great care of her. My wife had made an excellent choice when she chose them. Aspin’s a beautiful grown woman now and she is as beautiful today as she was when I first held her in my arms. My only regret was making my wife give her up and not telling our son that he has a sister. The young woman my son is in love with is Aspin’s cousin, I didn’t want Alton getting to close to his sister. It still baffles me how my son still ended up close to the family his sister resides with.

  Now…you all know some of my secrets and why I did what I did, if I had to do it all over again I wouldn’t but in order to set things right I had to go through some shit in order to get to the sugar, and that sugar, that taste of sweetness…is finally going home to try and mend the heartache and pain that I caused my family. I know I don’t deserve a damn thing but I have hope that all of our hearts will begin to heal over time. It’s not easy for me to admit that I’m a coward for shaming and hurting my family and I pray to God that he’ll give me a second chance to right my wrongs and allow me to be the husband and father that I should have been all those years ago. I love my wife kids and I will protect them at all cost, even if it means exchanging my life for theirs.

  Alton & Yaz

  Alton cracked his eyes open and yawned. The early morning sun light from the curtains had opened allowing the sun to beam directly in his eyes. Turning to look at Yaz he smiled then slid out of the bed and pulled the curtain back more allowing the sun to shine on her peacefully sleeping face. He and Yaz had been in at the cabin for over three weeks and he’d made love to her repeatedly and now they were about to have company. He walked closer to the bed and just simply stared at his woman. This was what he wanted to wake up to every morning. God he loved her. He slipped back into bed and skimmed his fingers across her soft skin watching her as she began to wake up.

  The caress of the fingers on her cheek broke a smile on her lips as she felt a tug at her chin, lifting her face up. Opening her eyes, she was met with Alton’s mesmerizing whiskey brown eyes, which were gazing at her as if she were a dream that may disappear if he blinked. “Hey.” Stretching her neck, she whispered close to his lips before she placed a gentle kiss on them. “Hey.” He whispered back slipping between her thighs as his fingers ran through her long thick sandy brown hair. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world to me sweetness.” His fingers glided down her shoulder and he brought his lips against hers again, kissing her with an unquenchable passion before allowing her to half sit up.

  Yaz looked around the room in amazement. The once impeccably clean room was almost unrecognizable. There were pieces of clothing strewn around the floor; Alton’s jeans was tossed carelessly in the chair, shirt on the floor, her jeans were in a pile beside the bed, her bra was hanging from the lamp and her panties on the bedside table, shredded to pieces again. The once clean bed now was in total disarray, the bed sheets half pulled away and pillows were on the floor with the exception one, as they lay naked and in each other’s embrace. Their bodies tightly pressed together, her legs spread wide as he lay tangled between them. To be frankly honest they both looked a “Hot a
ss mess.”

  Yaz bit her lower lip and looked down between their bodies, as she felt the tip of his morning wood slip between her swollen folds. His fingers trailed down her spine before he palmed her soft rounded ass, a smile tugging at his lips. Seeing him hesitate she looked up at him with a smile, his hair was tousled and messy and only making her more attracted to him. “Don’t you want me again?” Cocking his eyebrow, his hand clutched her ass and pulled her against him, making his cock slide into her warm pussy even more making her gasp loudly. Catching her parted lower lip between his teeth, he tugged it before sucking it into his mouth.

  “I’ve always wanted you sweetness.” Slipping his length out completely, he plunged back inside her till his balls pressed tight against her ass. Yaz gasps turned into moans, which were muffled by his lips and tongue against hers. His thrusts picked up pace and Yaz felt her whole body starting to tingle, her nails dragged down his back before she broke the kiss to pant. “Look at me.” His demanding tone made her look up at him and she could see how much effect she had on him from how he gritted his teeth and pounded her pussy harder. Yaz cried out at the sensation he was causing and her eyes began to roll back in her head as her body started to tighten, and her walls clamped around his cock. Her nails dug into his back more as she started to moan between her spasms while he kept popping and thrusting in and out of her dripping wet pussy.

  “Look at me Yaz!” Panting heavily, she looked at Alton whose face looked as if he were in pain before he let out a loud groan and erupted inside her suckling walls. She threw her head back as she felt his seed spurt inside her as they both panted heavily from another early morning orgasm. “I love you,” he said, whispering softly as he kissed her lips, holding her tight against his body and silently thanking God for giving him a second chance to be with the woman he’d always loved.

  The blaring sound of the alarm clock scared the shit out of Yaz and sent her heart racing. Chuckling at her reaction, he reached for the alarm and slapped it off. “We should get showered. My boys will be here soon and I’m sure your girls are on their way.” Yaz tried to get up, but he held her down with his now soft member still inside her wetness. “Or we don’t have to.” Kissing her neck, he nibbled gently making her smile. Laughing she said, “I need food… feed me.” Sighing in defeat, he let her go, watched her climb out of the bed naked, and head towards the shower.

  It had been eight years since that night back in that old clubhouse and damn if he only found her more attractive and he would have loved to her keep naked all day every day. Running his fingers over his head, he kicked back the covers and stood up. He wondered how long it would take before she realized she was pregnant. It worried him that she would be pregnant going through this bullshit with the brotherhood but at least if anything did happen to him she would always have a piece of him with her.

  Shaking his head, he followed her to the bathroom and stepped into the shower with her, he kissed her shoulder while soaping her breasts. “You know you’re pregnant right?” Turning her head to look at him, “Will you stop saying that,” she sighed and kissed his lips gently with a smile. “You don’t know that yet it’s only been three weeks,” besides my period isn’t due until a few more days. She gripped his cock and slowly pumped her hand up and down as she nipped his bottom lip. Alton mumbled between kisses, “I know you are,” he said, as he held her against the shower glass door and slid his hardening cock deep into her pussy once again. He placed his hand on her stomach, and nipped her neck as he began a slow glide in and out of her, “Give me babies as beautiful as you are sweetness.”


  Who the fuck have I become William grumbled to himself as he closed his eyes and took in a few deep breaths savoring the warm morning air while contemplating what another fucked up day it was going to be. With the sun, shining brightly from under the coffee house umbrella outside he watched as people rushed in to get their first cup of octane for the day. He didn’t understand why people paid such a high ass price for coffee but whatever, to each his own he guessed, but his real interest lied somewhere else as his cell phone began to buzz. He pulled it out of his jacket pocket and pressed the button on his headset to answer the call.

  “What a fine morning it is, wouldn’t you agree?” said the voice on the other line.

  “Same shit different day to me,” William muttered into the phone.

  “Did the guest I sent your way arrive yet” the caller asked?

  William looked up as two men walked up to the counter to order their choice of coffee. William responded, “Indeed he did, in fact I’m getting ready to say hello right now.”

  “Well good. I hope all goes well then. Text me when your done.

  Oh it will…but just remember what we discussed William breathed into the phone, I expect everything that I requested, is that clear?

  “Crystal said the voice on the other line.”

  All right then I gotta go, my guest just showed up. William disconnected the call and slid his phone back inside his jacket pocket stood up and walked inside to place and his order. A few minutes later he was called back up to pick up his coffee, on his way back to his table he noticed he’d forgotten to pick up his muffin he ordered. As he turned, a man behind him ran smack into his coffee spilling it all over the man’s crisp white dress shirt.

  Oh, shit! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!” William sat his cup down and rushed over to grab some napkins for the man.

  “It’s okay the man spat!” Clearly pissed!

  “Feeling guilty William apologized again.”

  “No, it’s all right,” the man said again even more annoyed this time as he headed towards the restroom.

  William followed him inside needing to wash the coffee off his hands. The man stood at the sink trying to wipe the stain from his shirt. He was so intent on getting the stain out he didn’t notice William as he walked inside until he saw his reflection in the mirror.

  “I said I’m okay you don’t need to worry the man said.”

  “I’m truly sorry; I mean… the shirt looks expensive I can pay to have it laundered for you.

  It’s perfectly fine the man said, exasperated as he forced a smile upon his face.

  “Are you sure-“

  Cutting him off the man gritted out, “Yes did you not hear what the fuck I said!”

  William cocked his eyebrow at the cocky bastard then said, okay… since you don’t want any help less just get this over with then.

  The man stopped me mid-scrub.

  William turned the lock on the restroom door and turned back towards the man.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” The man asked as he glared at William in the mirror.

  We have some business to take care of William explained.

  “Business the man spat!” Look, I don’t fucking know you nor do I have any business with you! The man then turned around and took in Williams’s stance as comprehension dawned on his smug ass face. “You did this shit intentionally didn’t you?”

  William smiled mischievously as he pulled his silencer from his jacket. “Absolutely, I have such great acting skills huh?” And before you do what I think you’re going to do I highly suggest you don’t do it because your efforts will be futile.

  The man looked at William then at the door weighing his options. “What the fuck do you want from me, and who sent you?”

  William advanced on the man then stated, “I wasn’t sent here, but I’m here because you made a deal with the devil. William smirked, you know it’s men like you that makes my job easier to swallow. You shouldn’t write checks your ass can’t cash.

  “What do you want… money” Do you need fucking money? I can give you a shit load of it the man yelled, desperate to strike a deal with William.

  Damn, you’re a slow learner, didn’t I just tell you, you shouldn’t make deals with the devil. William throat punched the man making his teeth click together then pressed the silencer to his head leaned in and whispered, “You would actual
ly give me money in exchange for your life? Huh… It’s a very appealing offer but you’re too little too late, you piece of shit! You see… you live in the belief that you can use money to buy or take away life… then there’s me on the opposite end of the spectrum who believes motherfuckers like you should be taken advantage of.

  You won’t get away with this Goddamnit! Important high-power people will come for your head if you kill me!

  I know William sneered, I’ll prepare a welcome party for their asses but they better bring an army for what I aim to bring to the fuck’in table motherfucker!

  The man’s eyes widened as he tried to jerk away and make a move for the door. William pulled the trigger and the man went limp as blood splattered on the walls and restroom mirror. William let go of the man’s body and watched as he hit the floor with a loud thud. William shoved the gun back inside his jacket then went over to the sink and washed his hands before taking off the latex fingerprints, wig and contact lenses he’d worn. He glanced back at the man’s lifeless body and shook his head as he whispered, “No one fucks with my family and lives.” Without another glance he turned and strolled out of the bathroom, he had more business to take care of in a few days and he always saved the best for last.