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Finding Sweetness 3 Page 12

  She placed her hand on top of his and said, touch me Channing please. Ignoring your glorious breasts, for now he sat her back down and used the edges of his outer hand to work up her sides, pulling her arms straight out and working up and down from each of her shoulders to her hands massaging her palms. He hands worked circles around her nipples, paying close attention to the way she arched her back and forcing more of her breast into his hands. Her nipples grew harder as he kneaded them? She was becoming very aroused now. Her breast was very sensitive to his touch and he liked that. His hands circled up the center of her torso pressing on her sternum then gently towards her neck pressing the ridges of her collarbone then he smoothed his way back down to her breast and he couldn’t help himself. He leaned in and sucked her nipple into mouth the tiny morsel instantly hardened as he tongued and gently tugged at it.

  Erica gripped his head and pulled him further into her breasts. He was driving her insane. Jerking her hands away, she fumbled with this belt then his button on his jean then his zipper until she had them pulled over his waist and tugged his dick out. Holy! She had never had a dick this big before. Her ex-boyfriend had a big dick but Channing had his ass beat by length. His cock was damn near down to his knee! Caught off guard Erica backed up a bit.

  Channing chuckled. “It’ll fit I promise you that.” Channing reached into his pants took out his wallet opened it and pulled out a condom ripped open the packet and slid it on then gripped Erica by her soft firm ass and carried her over to the chair in the corner of his bedroom and sat her in it. He wanted to taste that sweet pussy of hers first then he would satisfy them both. He spread her legs and “fuck him!” She was dripping wet with her honey already.

  Ohh, it was beautifully trimmed to perfection and he found himself in awe of what was happening. “Hell yea,” he said, as he leaned in smelled her then took a quick swipe with his tongue then gently slid his middle finger inside squeezing inward, adding pressure and curling it inside her searching and pressing for her g-spot as the palm of his hand rubbed against her clit. Erica’s eyes popped wide and he knew he had found her spot that quick. “You’re ready to cum aren’t you he whispered?” She nodded her head and panted. “Eat me Channing please… eat me. He plunged his face deep into pussy tasting her juices and lapped up every damn bit of it. “Ohhhh God, she moaned. That feels so good…so good!” He induced his speed and raised her legs up in the air. She began to feel that sensational tingle inside her pussy that she had missed feeling and she screamed out “Yessssssss… Ahhhhhhh!”

  He worked his fingers deeper inside her, thrusting in and out with vigor. He lean forward and butterfly stroked his tongue on her clit. She gripped his hair, arched her back and it was fucking over for her. She screamed and came! “Ahhhhh shiiiit,” Channing she cried as she thrashed her head from side to side yelling her approval that he had done his fucking job! “Cum for me baby….Cum for me.” He sucked her clit into his mouth slurping each time he let go of it and dove back in for more over and over again until he’d wrung the last shiver from her body as she simmered down then he leaned up and took her lips as he began to push slowly inside of her.

  He noted how tight she was so went a slow as possible not wanting to hurt her. It must have been awhile for her because it damn for sure felt like it as she gripped his dick tight with her pussy. She screamed out in pleasure/pain as Channing continued to work his dick inside of her with short shallow thrust until he was finally able to seat himself fully inside of her. Fuck, she was so snug and warm, his balls drew up high and tight threatening to make him cum to early. Damn, that he wanted to see her cum again before he did. He pulled out of her picked her up and placed her on the bed, spread her legs again and slid back inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his back and squeezed her pelvis with everything she had left. She meant business now and he knew it. “Fuck me Channing, Fuck me like you’ve never fucked anyone else in your life. She needed this…need him to make her forget everything that had happened in a year that her ex had put her through.

  Channing plunged deep and said, “You want it…well you’re gonna get it baby!” He pounded away like a madman set free of all the bullshit he had been through with his family and the brotherhood. She was his salvation and he wasn’t turning back after this. His heart was pounding in his chest so hard that it hurt. His abdominal muscles were on fire as was his triceps but he refused to stop. Sweat dripped into his eyes, stinging them but he thrust kept thrusting away. His balls slapped against her ass and the sound it made fucking drove him crazy! He felt her jerk and clinch her pussy muscles tighter and he knew she was going to cum.

  “Ohhhh, my God, Channing! Oohh, shit, shit, shit! She pulled herself into a locked position and bit the shit out his shoulder as she exploded in orgasm, sending her wet flowing juices squirting down her ass and all over his dick. Channing felt her cum flowing all over his dick and between his legs as Erica continued to cum and it was over for him. His body seized up as his seed shot from him so quick that he almost passed out from the sheer pleasure/pain of it and he fuck’in loved it! The intense wave of orgasms between them continued until they slowly relaxed and embraced each other. Channing pulled her firmly against his side and they fell asleep not giving a damn about rushing back to the cabin.

  The Drop

  Before Alton, Eytin, Channing and Gabe left out to meet his dad back in Nashville he gave his boys the rundown on what was going on and dropped the girls off at another cabin further up the way just to make sure they weren’t being followed then told the girls to hang tight until they came back. Again, Alton kissed Yaz and promised her that he would be back yet she still had that look in her eyes and he hated himself for it. Both Channing, and Gabe had looked back at Azaria and Erica and gave them both a silent declaration that once they were back all gloves would be off and both of the women knew it. Eytin hugged and kissed Aspin and told her not to worry that he would be back soon.

  By the time, they made it to the warehouse it was just a little bit before 6 o’clock. They had parked a little ways down from the warehouse to meet with his dad. William pulled up in a black van with black tinted windows and told them all to getting it in. Once inside Alton was shocked as shit to see Yaz’s father and another man that favored which he suspected to be Aspins adoptive father.

  Alton glared at his father you never said anything about you knew Yaz’s dad what the fuck is going on around here! Alton, Ebin and Abe were on the forced together over the years we lost contact until the day you fell in love with Yaz.

  Now it all made sense. Alton glared at Ebin. “I trusted you why didn’t you tell me!” I had my daughter to protect Alton and I told you by any means necessary that I would always protect my family and that’s exactly what I did. That’s also exactly what you did as well and for that my brother and I along with a few other friends of ours are here to help you and your family get out of the AB. I have explained to William that some of his team members that were undercover with him gave up some valuable information which jeopardized all of your lives but were not gonna let that happen. As fucked up as all this is… people are going to have to die so if you’re not willing to do that then I suggest you get out of this van and get your ass out of the country because once we do this there will be no going back.

  “Abe piped in and asked, “Which one of you brought my daughter Aspen here?” Alton, Channing and Gabe turned and looked at Eytin. Clearing his throat Eytin said, “That would be me sir.” Abe rushed Eytin and slammed him up against the van by his throat pure rage swelling almost beyond his ability to contain it he spat. “If anything happens to my daughter I will fuck’in come after you!” That makes two of us William said. “I love your daughter sir and I will go through hell and high water for her.” You damn well better because I’ll make sure your ass drowns in it if she gets hurt! Eytin nodded his head as best he could. Abe let go, setback ready to get this fucking thing over. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do to his wife once he got back, she didn’t k
now all of the details but once she did that would be his ass!

  “Where’s mom Alton asked?”

  She’s staying with her sisters. Your uncles have eyes on them as well as Yaz and the girls.

  Alton shook his head our whole lives has been a lie. If we come out of this alive I don’t want shit else to do with you do you understand me!

  William nodded his head and hated himself even more for doing this to his family. He would make it up to them though no matter what it took and the first person he would start with would be his wife.

  By the time they all formulated a plan it was 7 o’clock and time to meet up with Tia’s father. They had no doubt that ambush would be waiting for them. As drug dealers we stayed heavily armed, and generally had no qualms about shooting someone who tried to rob them and they damn for sure wasn’t gun-shy, either, which only served to heighten the already-tense encounter they were about to have.

  “Why choose such a risky occupation some might ask? The money, obviously it represented a niche in a particularly chaotic and thriving drug market in cities like Nashville,” where there are many street-level dealers, not all of whom take the proper steps to guard their wares. A successful take down could yield thousands of dollars in cash and narcotics, and the buyer or seller is unlikely to contact the police and if you’re feeling lucky, or bold, sticking up a drug dealer sure beats sticking up an a gas station per the AB code. The only difference this time was, was that they weren’t there to really make a drug or firearms deal. They were there to cut off the head of the snake.

  Right before they were all about walking into the warehouse on 42nd Ave. Alton’s phone buzzed. He yanked it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen it was a text message from Yaz stating that Durk, Butch, and Ciao had Lex and Aspin’s best friend Kaseya at the warehouse. And that they were on their way. Fuck! Everyone stopped and turned to look at Alton. “What is it bro?” Yaz and the girls are on their way here! Glaring at Eytin Alton said, it seems that your uncle Durk, Butch and Ciao abducted Lex and Aspin’s friend Kaseya and brought them here to the warehouse as bait. They wanted us all here together. Call the girls now Ebin yelled to Alton and tell them to stay the fuck where they are. Alton quickly dialed Yaz number but she didn’t pick up. He left her message and prayed to God that they didn’t show up, but knowing Yaz she would do anything to help her family and friends.

  Come on William said let’s get this shit over with before the girls get here! As William, Alton, Channing, Gabe and Eytin strolled into the warehouse with devil may care attitudes along with three other undercover agents carrying the drugs and guns they looked around and instantly knew something wasn’t right. As Tia’s father Carl around with a frown on his face William knew that they may not get out of here alive. Is he at William prayed at that moment and asked the Lord to spare them.

  We have a problem William Carl boomed! It seems you’ve been withholding pertinent information. Is there something you’d like to tell us? I don’t know what the Fuck you’re talking about but you better drop that fucking tone with me William spat! Now don’t know what the fuck you’ve heard and I don’t give a fuck who you heard from I’m here to do business and get the fuck up out of here! I’m sure you are Carl chuckled. Oh boy’s could you come out here. William already knew who the two ATF agents were who’d flapped they are gums... the cocksuckers! ATF agents Lee Dandridge and Troy Elmore who posed as just local officers but in reality they were ATF agents.

  Lee, Troy stepped out along with Durk, Butch, Ray, Ciao, Nate’s stank ass and the rest of the brotherhood with wide grins on their faces. Awe was the matter Will,.. you don’t seem shocked that it’s us?

  That’s because I’m not which is why your sorry ass will never get ahead in life because you fuck over people on your own damn team.

  That’s real rich come from your ass! You fucked over your own family and compromised everyone that has ever been close to you because now they will all die as well. You’re outnumbered will is time to lay down like the dog you are and fucking die!

  So it’s true Carl gleamed. Your fucking ATF! All this motherfuck’in time your ass had us fooled! Ashley fucking kill all of you right fucking now. At that very moment everyone to their guns and began to shoot at one another. They all dipped and dodged bullets as each ran for cover. William Aj and Eytin ran behind one brick wall as Channing, Gabe, and the three other ATF agent ran behind another wall and took aim.

  Suddenly there was a loud scream that sounded like a woman’s scream, and then they all can hear Lex yelling for them to get out. He glanced over at Alton. There was no turning back they wouldn’t leave their boy to the AB. Alton leaned up ready to take another shot but William snatched him back. “I won’t lose you son not this time.” William stepped out with his hands up.” It’s me you want let the woman and Lex go and you can do whatever you want to do to me! Fuck you William Butch yelled you had your chance and the only thing we want from you right now is for your ass to die!

  William smiled coolly then said, you first motherfucker! William yanked his gun from his back pocket aimed and fired striking Butch between his eyes killing him dead. Durk fired his gun striking William in the abdomen and arm. William stumbled back hitting the concrete hard. Alton, Eytin, Channing, Gabe, and the other three ATF agents ran out guns blazing in both hands. All of the other AB members began to fire back. As the gun shots rang out Lex punched Durk in his temple making him free his grip then grabbed Kaseya and shoved her into a room telling her to stay put and that he would be back for her.

  Alton raised his hand and pressed the button to his earpiece for the rest of the crew to come and help.

  “Abe, get ready Ebin yelled we’re about to get this party started!” The rest of the AFT agents were locked, loaded, and they all began to fire on everyone that wasn’t with them. Next thing they knew Lee Dandridge was beside them taking aim and helping them out. How the fuck did you know about this Ebin yelled out. Josh told me what was going down. I knew an old friend would need my help. Ebin nodded his head and they both commenced to firing.

  Alton ran and pulled his dad to safety. He may have hated his dad sure enough but his mother loved his sorry ass and he didn’t want to see her unhappy anymore. “Don’t son don’t go back out there, they are all gunning for you!” Don’t worry about me I can take care of myself. Alton then and glanced around and found Ray’s ass he was the first on his list the die! As their eyes, collided Ray ran straight for Alton knocking Alton’s gun from his hand. Alton whipped off his belt, twisted it around Ray’s outstretched arm, and bent it behind him making him drop the gun. Hearing a satisfying crunch Alton punch the fucker dead between his eye as he kicked the back of Ray’s knees making him go down with a grunt. Ray swept his leg backwards causing Alton to let go and jump back Ray went for the gun and aimed it at Alton. Alton raised his hand pretending to surrender using the divergent he whipped his gun from behind him Ray fired narrowly missing Alton’s head by a mere inch as Alton hit the floor rolled as shock that motherfucker dead center in the neck. Ray fail still firmly holding the gun he lifted his arm again attempted to shoot Alton but his hand was unsteady. “For fucks sake, just die you piece of shit Alton yelled.” Then he raised his gun and unloaded on Ray’s ass and just for added measure he shot him in the head. “Let’s see you move again after that bitch!”

  No movement.

  Eytin heard movement behind him he just had a moment’s notice before he ducked as the bullet whizzed by. Caio slammed his fist into his side and watched Eytin crumple. Eytin grabbed ahold of Ciao’s ankle and yanked pulling him down. Ciao fired his gun at Eytin successfully hitting him in the shoulder, he fired once more missing him hitting the mirror of a parked car shattering the window. Someone would be calling the cops if they hadn’t already, this was supposed to be a silent takedown anymore gunshots and everyone in the neighborhood would hear. Eytin pulled Ciao’s leg up and twisted the fucker, Ciao yelled out and tried to fire again missing him. Eytin sucker punched Ciao in his
temple and kicked the gun out of his hand then put him in a chokehold and snapped Ciao’s neck.

  Lex was looking for Nate he wanted that motherfucker bad! All of a sudden, someone pulled Lex by his armpit and lifted his leg. Lex realized it was Nate, he thrashed and turned but Nate held on like a boa constrictor. Lex kicked his leg out and the instep of his expensive shoe collided with Nate’s face. Nate staggered backwards clutching his chin and lowered him down. Lex pushed backwards dragging Nate behind him and collided into a car, the glass shattered as Nate’s back slammed into it. Lex jabbed his elbow into Nate’s side clinched his fist, tensed his leg and with sheer force of aim, karate kicked Nate in his jaw. Hearing his neck snap Nate’s head lolled to the side and dropped dead. Lex hadn’t taken classes for nothing he didn’t need a gun to kill someone his hands and feet were enough. Not giving him a backwards glance, he went to help his boys finish all this shit. He would probably be in jail beside them and his career ruined after this but he wouldn’t let his boys fight this battle alone.

  After William caught his breath, he yanked up his shirt exposing the bulletproof vest. Damn that fuck’in hurt! Durk’s weasel ass was he is! He found him hunched in a corner gripping his leg. “Get up you piece of shit William yelled!” And look I don’t need a gun to fight your ass, he tossed the gun to the side pulled out his knife clutched it in his right hand and assumed the fighting position. Durk stood and wobbled a minute then took out his knife and quickly swiped his arm out mere inches from William’s face. William sidestepped him then grabbed a hold of Durks arm as it passed in front of him, pulled it down and twisted his hand back breaking his fingers. Durk dropped the knife with a grown. With the flat of his palm, William hit Durk on the shoulder; Durk yelled out then fell to his knees. William bent his arm, hit him with his elbow in the nape of his neck, yanked him by his hair, and smashed his face repeatedly into the concrete. Panting heavily William walked over picked up his gun and kicked Durk over aimed it at his head and unloaded five rounds into him making sure that motherfucker was good and fuck’in dead!